Briefly about us: we teach as if for ourselves

QA Academy is a training center working on the base of a1qa company, which has provided testing services for over 20 years. We opened the training center in 2013 at the peak of QA sphere growth. At first, we prepared students to work with our company, but now anyone can join our training. 

We still offer a job to our best graduates. They join our team and get under the supervision of more experienced testers. Therefore, we really teach as if for ourselves.  

11 years
of successful work in training
20+ countries 
students’ geography
2 months
time to pass the course

What is a tester and what do they do?

A tester checks the quality of a program before it reaches a user. They closely work with project developers, hinting to them what can go wrong.  

The main task of a tester is to make sure that a product works as designed: effectively and without glitches. A tester can work with websites, computer games, mobile apps, cloud services. Testing can be functional and automated. For the former one, you need computer literacy, and for the latter you must know programming. 

что делает тестировщик

Join a QA engineer course online with a convenient timetable

How is the training organized?

We offer a qa engineer course with a job placement. So, we prepare you for real work. We give the base of knowledge: it helps understand basic QA processes and be on the same wave with the team. We don’t forget about practice: we have a lot of it on our courses. Therefore, you will have real experience, but not a career from a clean slate. 


Classes with a pleasant timetable

You will study in the evening, twice a week. The lectures and practice part last 2 academic hours. For sure, everything will be recorded so that you can watch it to make sure you get what you may have missed. 

Practical tasks

These will be real tasks that testers face every day. We understand that hardly anyone has a chance to study from morning till sunset. Therefore, we offer to complete simple tasks on weekdays, and we assign more complicated tasks for the weekend.

Experienced trainers

Our trainers are working in QA teams right now. They are ready to answer your questions and give extensive feedback on your tasks.  

Additional community support

You can discuss home assignments and topics that are hard for you in the chat with other students and your trainers. It is always easier to do something together! 

A final test

We provide personal certificates when completing an online courses for qa testing. We must ensure you have grasped the course curriculum. So, you will have a talk with a trainer via the online call.   

Our aim is to help you start working

The best graduates can join our team of testers in our a1qa company. If you would like to find a job by yourselves, we will help you with references.  

Рекомендуем выпускников компаниям-партнерам
We teach in such a way that you can surely mention in your resume the key skills that employers are looking for
Даем знания для уверенного старта в карьере
We help create a realistic resume without any exaggerations and false modesty. We also give recommendations on how to update your LinkedIn profile where they often post cool vacancies for those who belong to the “gang”
Помогаем составить резюме
We will conduct a mock interview. At first it can be scary, but we will be at your side and further, we will explain how to make it better. You will feel calmer and more confident at a real interview
Готовим к собеседованию
We will create a reference letter signed by the director of the training center. The opinion of this knowledgeable expert means a lot and employers know it.

Where do our graduates work?

Hope to see you at online software testing and quality assurance course


The result of the training is full readiness for work

Уверенные знания для откликов на IT-вакансии на позиции Junior и выше
High-demand skills to work as a Junior tester
Именной сертификат для подтверждения ваших навыков
A course completion certificate with your name
Помощь с трудоустройством, в том числе у наших компаний-партнеров
A well-drafted resume and LinkedIn profile
Рекомендательное письмо, которое увеличит шанс трудоустройства (доступно для лучших студентов)
A reference letter.

Join the software testing and quality assurance course and get a chance to work

Frequently Asked Questions

You claim you help with a job placement. How does it work?

The best graduates of our software quality assurance engineer courses are offered to work for a1qa team. Students can rely on our help to create a resume and LinkedIn profile without mistakes that freshers make. 

We also hold a mock interview where you can practice skills of self-presentation and communication with an HR-manager. It will be your strong advantage among other candidates who didn’t have such support. 


Can I work after your QA tester course? What exactly can I do?

Yes, you can. Our courses are aimed at job placement so you can get the skills needed at work. The graduates who showed the best results get an offer to work for us. If you would like to look for a job by yourselves, we will prepare you for it. To make your resume more powerful, we suggest taking several stages of our courses. Depending on what course you have passed, you can become a functional, automation or computer games tester. 

What qualification will I have after QA courses completion: Junior or Middle?

After the course completion we recommend applying for Junior level vacancies. If you have passed several stages of our courses, for example, basic and advanced, then you can apply for Junior+ or Middle positionsPay attention to the employer requirements: it happens that the borders between Junior and Middle levels are rather blurred. 

What can I learn from you?

We offer comprehensive training: from scratch in IT to the advanced level in automatization. Our programs include training of manual functional testing, games testing, automation testing and English to work in QA. 

How much time should I spend on a QA course?

Be ready to study for 2 months. Lectures are usually in the evening on weekdays. We give practical assignments both on weekdays and weekends, but with different levels of complexity. A lecture lasts 2 academic hours and to complete a home assignment you may need from 2 to 10 academic hours. 

What kind of home assignments do you give?

These are the tasks you are going to complete in your future work, for example, to hold a bug test and to write comments for developers. You will face more bulky tasks – they may take about 8-10 academic hours. Consider it as drilling and experience gaining. The deadlines are pleasant, and the feedback is extensive. 

Can I join your courses if I am not from Kazakhstan?

Yes, you can. We offer software quality assurance training courses in Kazakhstan and in other countries and the training is online. 

Should I know English to study with you?

We have our training in English and Russian. You will need English when working and you had better have B1 level of English. Join our course QA English Basics to improve your level and work on foreign projects.  

What should I know before the training?

It depends on what course you are going to select. Usually, you don’t need any specific knowledge if you join the course for beginners. But any knowledge about the sphere you have will be valuable: it will be easier for you to dive deep into the context. 

What are your requirements for students?

There are no requirements, except when you join advanced courses. There you will certainly need some experience in testing, otherwise it will be very hard to understand what a trainer is talking about. As for the rest, we are ready to support you during the course and answer any professional questions. We don’ t care about your age, gender and walk of life. 

What equipment do I need for QA courses online?

You will need a laptop or a PC with the following features:  

  • Up-to-date version of Windows, macOS or Linux. 
  • RAM minimum 4 GB (better 8 GB). 
  • Hard drive with minimum of 20 GB free space. 
  • Stable Internet connection to access the course materials and to take part in online- classes.  
What is QA Academy?

This is a training center which was opened on the base of a1qa company which has provided testing services since 2003. We have been teaching students for more than 10 years. Our 10,000+ students come from 20 countries. 

Why should I join specifically the QA Academy?

We specialize only in testing in comparison with other multi-discipline schools. Only hands-on trainers work in the QA Academy, and they know what you are going to face during work. Besides, we teach as if for ourselves; therefore, we ask the best graduates to join our company. So, we are directly interested in preparing top-notch specialists. 

Who is going to teach me?

Our teachers are practitioners who work in QA: directly in testing or in project management. Their work experience is from 3 years. To effectively share their knowledge and skills with you, they have received training in teaching methods. And now she is teaching testing courses in Kazakhstan for you!

How can I pay for the training?

Send a request from our website and wait till our administrator gets in touch with you. They will send you a special code to enter on the payment page. Then, you will have to follow simple instructions. You can pay for the course before the training starts or after the first lecture to make sure the quality of teaching matches your expectations. 


Contact us

    Course available from 16 years old

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